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Todd Hefner

Chair - Acoustics Department & Senior Principal Physicist





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B.A. Physics, Bard College, 1994

M.S. Physics, Washington State University, 1997

Ph.D. Physics, Washington State University, 2000


2000-present and while at APL-UW

A physics-based inversion of multibeam sonar data for seafloor characterization

Xu, G., B.T. Hefner, D.R. Jackson, A.N. Ivakin, and G. Wendelboe, "A physics-based inversion of multibeam sonar data for seafloor characterization," IEEE J. Ocean. Eng., EOR, doi:10.1109/JOE.2024.3467308, 2024.

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9 Dec 2024

A physics-based algorithm has been developed for the inversion of multibeam sonar survey data for sediment properties. The algorithm relies on high-frequency acoustical models of seafloor scattering to estimate sediment properties, taking as input the calibrated backscatter intensity time series data for multiple incidence angles. The inversion proceeds in three stages to produce estimates for a suite of geoacoustic and physical parameters of the seafloor, which include sediment attenuation and strengths of interface and volume scattering in the first stage, surface roughness and reflectivity in the second stage, and porosity, density, and sound-speed ratios and mean grain size in the third and final stage. The algorithm uses a Monte-Carlo approach to determine the uncertainties in inversion-derived sediment properties based on the measured statistics of seafloor backscatter. This assessment also takes into account the uncertainties associated with the empirical relations utilized in the final stage of inversion to determine sediment properties from reflectivity. The performance and accuracy of the algorithm have been evaluated through implementation in the processing of field data recorded from Sequim Bay, WA, USA, in 2019. Comparison of inversion output with ground-truth measurements demonstrates the effectiveness and robustness of the algorithm in seafloor characterization with multibeam sonars.

The impact of the spatial variability of the seafloor on midfrequency sound propagation during the Target and Reverberation Experiment 2013

Hefner, B.T., D. Tang, and W.S. Hodgkiss, "The impact of the spatial variability of the seafloor on midfrequency sound propagation during the Target and Reverberation Experiment 2013," IEEE J. Ocean. Eng., 49, 1025-1038, doi:10.1109/JOE.2024.3361968, 2024.

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1 Jul 2024

To support the modeling of reverberation data collected during the Target and Reverberation Experiment in 2013 (TREX13), transmission loss was measured in the 1.5–4.0 kHz band using a towed source and two moored vertical line arrays. The experiment site was located off the coast of Panama City Beach, FL, and the transmission loss measurements took place along a 7-km-long isobath, which ran parallel to the shore with a water depth of approximately 19 m. The seafloor at the TREX13 site consists of sand ridges, which run perpendicular to the track of the experiment, with narrow bands of softer sediments on the western sides of the ridges and in the ridge swales. Using data from a multibeam echosounder survey and direct measurements of the seafloor properties, a geoacoustic description of the seafloor is developed and used to model the transmission loss at the site. Although the soft-sediment bands only occur in 27% of the seafloor, they are found to have a significant impact on the transmission loss, increasing it by roughly 5 dB at 4 km over what would be expected from an entirely sand sediment. This is consistent with the previous work by Holland who showed that lossiest sediments play the largest role in propagation over range-dependent seabeds. Simulations also show that the exact locations of the soft sediments are less important for controlling propagation in the TREX13 environment than the proportions of the sediments. This suggests that a range-independent, effective media description of the sediment could be used to model propagation at the site. The limits of the use of an effective medium in describing both propagation and reverberation measurements made during TREX13 are considered.

Subsurface acoustic ducts in the Northern California current system

Xu, G., R.R. Harcourt, D. Tang, B.T. Hefner, E.I. Thorsos, and J.B. Mickett, "Subsurface acoustic ducts in the Northern California current system," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 155, 1881-1894, doi:10.1121/10.0024146, 2024.

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7 Mar 2024

This study investigates the subsurface sound channel or acoustic duct that appears seasonally along the U.S. Pacific Northwest coast below the surface mixed layer. The duct has a significant impact on sound propagation at mid-frequencies by trapping sound energy and reducing transmission loss within the channel. A survey of the sound-speed profiles obtained from archived mooring and glider observations reveals that the duct is more prevalent in summer to fall than in winter to spring and offshore of the shelf break than over the shelf. The occurrence of the subsurface duct is typically associated with the presence of a strong halocline and a reduced thermocline or temperature inversion. Furthermore, the duct observed over the shelf slope corresponds to a vertically sheared along-slope velocity profile, characterized by equatorward near-surface flow overlaying poleward subsurface flow. Two potential duct formation mechanisms are examined in this study, which are seasonal surface heat exchange and baroclinic advection of distinct water masses. The former mechanism regulates the formation of a downward-refracting sound-speed gradient that caps the duct near the sea surface, while the latter contributes to the formation of an upward-refracting sound-speed gradient that defines the duct's lower boundary.

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Acoustics Air-Sea Interaction & Remote Sensing Center for Environmental & Information Systems Center for Industrial & Medical Ultrasound Electronic & Photonic Systems Ocean Engineering Ocean Physics Polar Science Center

