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Peter Dahl

Senior Principal Engineer

Professor, Mechanical Engineering





Research Interests

Underwater Acoustics, Acoustic Remote Sensing


Dr. Dahl is a Senior Principal Engineer in the Acoustics Department and a Professor in the University of Washington's Department of Mechanical Engineering. Professor Dahl's research is in areas of acoustics with primary focus on underwater sound. Examples of his research include underwater acoustic remote sensing, the acoustics of underwater explosions, acoustic scattering and reflection from the sea surface and sea bed, vector acoustics, underwater ambient noise and methods to reduce underwater industrial noise.

He has conducted several ocean-going experiments involving underwater acoustics, including the Asian Seas International Acoustics Experiment (ASIAEX), sponsored by the U.S. Office of Naval Research, in the East China Sea involving the U.S., China and Korea and for which he was U.S. chief scientist.

Professor Dahl is a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America, has served as the chair of its technical committee on underwater acoustics (2002–2005), on its Executive Council (2008–2011), and has recently completed service as Vice President of the Acoustical Society of America.

Department Affiliation



B.S., University of Washington - Seattle, 1976

M.S. Ocean and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington - Seattle, 1982

Ph.D. Ocean Engineering, MIT, 1989


2000-present and while at APL-UW

Injuries to Pacific mackerel (Scomber japonicus) from underwater explosions

Bowman, V., and 7 others including P.H. Dahl., "Injuries to Pacific mackerel (Scomber japonicus) from underwater explosions," ICES J. Mar. Sci., EOR, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsae116, 2024.

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29 Aug 2024

This study expands previous work examining the effects on fishes from exposure to a single 4.5 kg underwater explosive detonation. Experiments were done in the field, with fish in cages at different distances from the source. Although our earlier work reported high acoustic dosage levels (e.g. based on peak pressure) correlating with severe injuries, dosage levels that result in moderate, or mild injuries were not clearly established. Thus, in this study, caged Pacific mackerel (Scomber japonicus) were placed at targeted ranges of 150–800 m from the source. All procedures were the same as in the earlier study except that animals were left at depth for ~3 hours post-exposure to determine immediate effects on survival. Fish were then retrieved and assessed for physical damage. The only statistically significant tissue injuries were swim bladder bruising and in a reduction in inner ear sensory hair cell density that lessened with distance from the source. Still, results must be taken with caution since they may vary with different source levels, water depths, location of the fish in the water column, and by species.

Coherence of the frequency-difference autoproduct deduced from high-frequency acoustic fields scattered from a rough sea surface

Joslyn, N.J., P.H. Dahl, and D.R. Dowling, "Coherence of the frequency-difference autoproduct deduced from high-frequency acoustic fields scattered from a rough sea surface," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 156, 600-609, doi:10.1121/10.0028004, 2024.

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1 Jul 2024

The prevalence of random scattering from a rough ocean surface increases with increasing χ = kh cos θ, where k is the acoustic wavenumber, h is the root-mean-square surface height, and θis the incidence angle. Generally, when χ > 1⁠, coherence between incident and surface-scattered fields is lost. However, such coherence may be recovered when χ > 1 by considering the frequency-difference autoproduct of the surface-scattered field, a quadratic product of complex fields at nearby frequencies. Herein, the autoproduct's coherent reflection coefficient for  χ > 20 is determined from surface-scattered sound fields obtained from 50 independent realizations of the rough ocean surface measured in pelagic waters off the coast of California in January 1992. The recordings were made with a source at a depth of 147 m that broadcasted 30 and 40 kHz signals to a single receiver 576 m away at depth of 66 m. An analytic formula for the coherent reflection coefficient of the frequency-difference autoproduct, based on the Kirchhoff approximation and a Gaussian surface autocorrelation function, compares favorably with measurements. Improved agreement with the single-receiver measurements is possible via a minor adjustment to the surface autocorrelation length. The adjustment identified here matches that determined previously from horizontal spatial coherence estimates utilizing the experiment's eight-element receiving array.

Experimental study on performance improvement of underwater acoustic communication using a single vector sensor

Choi, K.H., J.W. Choi, S. Kim, P.H. Dahl, D.R. Dall'Osto, H.C. Song, "Experimental study on performance improvement of underwater acoustic communication using a single vector sensor," IEEE J. Ocean. Eng., EOR, doi:10.1109/JOE.2024.3374424, 2024.

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3 Jun 2024

Underwater acoustic communication is heavily influenced by intersymbol interference caused by the delay spread of multipaths. In this article, communication sequences transmitted from a drifting source were received by a fixed acoustic vector receiver system consisting of an accelerometer-based vector sensor and a pressure sensor, which can measure the three-directional components of vector quantity and pressure at a point. The underwater acoustic communication experiment was conducted in water approximately 30 m deep off the south coast of Geoje Island, South Korea, in May 2017 during the Korea Reverberation Experiment. Acceleration signals received by the vector sensor were converted to pressure-equivalent particle velocities, which were then used as input for a four-channel communication system together with acoustic pressure. These four channels have multipaths with different amplitudes but the same delay times, providing directional diversity that differs from the spatial diversity provided by hydrophone arrays. To improve the communication performance obtained from directional diversity, the Multichannel Combined Bidirectional Block-based Time Reversal Technique was used, which combines bidirectional equalization with time-reversal diversity and block-based time reversal that was robust against time-varying channels. Communication performance was compared with the outcomes produced by several other time reversal techniques. The results show that the Multichannel Combined Bidirectional Block-based Time Reversal Technique using a vector sensor achieved superior performance under the environmental conditions considered in this article.

More Publications


Pile with Sound Abatement

Patent Number: 9,617,702

Peter Dahl, John Dardis II, Per Reinhall

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11 Apr 2017

A noise-attenuating pile comprising a pile driving shoe, an outer tube that engages the pile driving shoe, and an inner member that extends through the outer tube and engages the pile driving shoe, wherein the pile is configured to be installed in sediment or other suitable material by driving the inner member with a pile driver, without directly impacting the outer tube, such that the radial outer tube is substantially insulated from the radial expansion waves generated by the pile driver impacting the inner member. In some piles, one of the inner member and the outer tube are removable after installation. In some piles, a seal is provided in a lower end of the channel defined between the inner member and the outer tube, which may be biodegradable, or may be an inflatable bladder, for example.

Pile to Minimize Noise Transmission and Method of Pile Driving

Patent Number: 8,622,658

Per G. Reinhall, Peter Dahl

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7 Jan 2014

A pile and method for driving a pile includes a pile having a structural outer tube, and an inner member disposed generally concentrically with the outer tube. The outer tube and inner member are fixed to a driving shoe. The pile is constructed and driven such that the pile driver impacts only the inner member. The impact loads are transmitted to the driving shoe to drive the pile into the sediment, such that the outer tube is thereby pulled into the sediment. In a particular embodiment the outer tube is formed of steel, and the inner member also comprises a steel tube. In an alternative embodiment one or both of the inner member and the outer tube are formed of an alternative material, for example, concrete. In an embodiment, the outer tube has a recess that captures a flange on the inner member. In an embodiment the outer tube is attached to the inner member with an elastic spring.

Acoustics Air-Sea Interaction & Remote Sensing Center for Environmental & Information Systems Center for Industrial & Medical Ultrasound Electronic & Photonic Systems Ocean Engineering Ocean Physics Polar Science Center

