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Aaron Donohoe

Principal Research Scientist





Department Affiliation

Polar Science Center


B.A. Physics, Bowdoin College, 2003

Ph.D. Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, 2011


2000-present and while at APL-UW

A new method for calculating instantaneous atmospheric heat transport

Cox, T., A. Donohoe, K.C. Armour, G.H. Roe, and D.M.W.Frierson, "A new method for calculating instantaneous atmospheric heat transport," J. Clim., EOR, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0521.1, 2024.

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20 May 2024

Atmospheric heat transport (AHT) is an important piece of our climate system, but has primarily been studied at monthly or longer time scales. We introduce a new method for calculating zonal-mean meridional atmospheric heat transport (AHT) using instantaneous atmospheric fields. When time averaged, our calculations closely reproduce the climatological AHT used elsewhere in the literature to understand AHT and its trends on long timescales. In the extratropics, AHT convergence and atmospheric heating are strongly temporally correlated suggesting that AHT drives the vast majority of zonal-mean atmospheric temperature variability. Our AHT methodology separates AHT into two components, eddies and the mean-meridional circulation, which we find are negatively correlated throughout most of the mid- to high-latitudes. This negative correlation reduces the variance of total AHT compared to eddy AHT. Lastly, we find that the temporal distribution of total AHT at any given latitude is approximately symmetric.

Model biases in the atmosphere–ocean partitioning of poleward heat transport are persistent across three CMIP generations

Donohoe, A., R. Fajber, T. Cox, K.C. Armour, D.S. Battisti, and G.H. Roe, "Model biases in the atmosphere–ocean partitioning of poleward heat transport are persistent across three CMIP generations," Geophys. Res. Lett., 51, doi:10.1029/2023GL106639, 2024.

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28 Apr 2024

The observed partitioning of poleward heat transport between atmospheric and oceanic heat transports (AHT and OHT) is compared to that in coupled climate models. Model ensemble mean poleward OHT is biased low in both hemispheres, with the largest biases in the Southern Hemisphere extratropics. Poleward AHT is biased high in the Northern Hemisphere, especially in the vicinity of the peak AHT near 40°N. The significant model biases are persistent across three model generations (CMIP3, CMIP5, CMIP6) and are insensitive to the satellite radiation and atmospheric reanalyzes products used to derive observational estimates of AHT and OHT. Model biases in heat transport partitioning are consistent with biases in the spatial structure of energy input to the ocean and atmosphere. Specifically, larger than observed model evaporation in the tropics adds excess energy to the atmosphere that drives enhanced poleward AHT at the expense of weaker OHT.

Trends in atmospheric heat transport since 1980

Cox, T., A. Donohoe, K.C. Armour, D.M.W.Frierson, and G.H. Roe, "Trends in atmospheric heat transport since 1980," J. Clim., 37, 1539-1550, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0385.1, 2024.

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1 Mar 2024

We investigate the linear trends in meridional atmospheric heat transport (AHT) since 1980 in atmospheric reanalysis datasets, coupled climate models, and atmosphere-only climate models forced with historical sea surface temperatures. Trends in AHT are decomposed into contributions from three components of circulation: (i) transient eddies, (ii) stationary eddies, and (iii) the mean meridional circulation. All reanalyses and models agree on the pattern of AHT trends in the Southern Ocean, providing confidence in the trends in this region. There are robust increases in transient-eddy AHT magnitude in the Southern Ocean in the reanalyses, which are well replicated by the atmosphere-only models, while coupled models show smaller magnitude trends. This suggests that the pattern of sea surface temperature trends contributes to the transient-eddy AHT trends in this region. In the tropics, we find large differences between mean-meridional circulation AHT trends in models and the reanalyses, which we connect to discrepancies in tropical precipitation trends. In the Northern Hemisphere, we find less evidence of large-scale trends and more uncertainty, but note several regions with mismatches between models and the reanalyses that have dynamical explanations. Throughout this work we find strong compensation between the different components of AHT, most notably in the Southern Ocean where transient-eddy AHT trends are well compensated by trends in the mean-meridional circulation AHT, resulting in relatively small total AHT trends. This highlights the importance of considering AHT changes holistically, rather than each AHT component individually.

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In The News

Scientists found the most intense heat wave ever recorded — in Antarctica

Washington Post, Kasha Patel

In March 2022, temperatures near the eastern coast of Antarctica spiked 70 degrees Fahrenheit (39 degrees Celsius) above normal — making it the most intense recorded heat wave to occur anywhere on Earth, according to a recent study.

24 Sep 2023

New perspectives on the enigma of expanding Antarctic sea ice

Eos — Science News by AGU, Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, Eisenman, Zhang, Sun, and Donohoe

Recent research offers new insights on Antarctic sea ice, which, despite global warming, has increased in overall extent over the past 40 years. Most climate models indicate that Antarctic sea ice extent should have decreased over the past several decades. Here the authors discuss results from three recent independent studies that all applied a "nudging" technique to the same climate model to study the influences of different processes on Antarctic sea ice extent.

11 Feb 2022

Deep, old water explains why Antarctic Ocean hasn't warmed

UW News and Information, Hannah Hickey

Observations and climate models show that the unique currents around Antarctica continually pull deep, centuries-old water up to the surface — seawater that last touched Earth’s atmosphere before the machine age, and has never experienced fossil fuel-related climate change.

30 May 2016

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