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Leah Johnson

Senior Oceanographer





Department Affiliation

Ocean Physics


2000-present and while at APL-UW

Physical mechanisms sustaining silica production following the demise of the diatom phase of the North Atlantic spring phytoplankton bloom during EXPORTS

Brzezinski, M.A., and 8 others including L. Johnson, "Physical mechanisms sustaining silica production following the demise of the diatom phase of the North Atlantic spring phytoplankton bloom during EXPORTS," Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 38, doi:, 2024.

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16 Jul 2024

Each spring, the North Atlantic experiences one of the largest open-ocean phytoplankton blooms in the global ocean. Diatoms often dominate the initial phase of the bloom with succession driven by exhaustion of silicic acid. The North Atlantic was sampled over 3.5 weeks in spring 2021 following the demise of the main diatom bloom, allowing mechanisms that sustain continued diatom contributions to be examined. Diatom biomass was initially relatively high with biogenic silica concentrations up to 2.25 μmol Si L-1. A low initial silicic acid concentration of 0.1–0.3 μM imposed severe Si limitation of silica production and likely limited the diatom growth rate. Four storms over the next 3.5 weeks entrained silicic acid into the mixed layer, relieving growth limitation, but uptake limitation persisted. Silica production was modest and dominated by the >5.0 μm size fraction although specific rates were highest in the 0.6–5.0 μm size fraction over most of the cruise. Silica dissolution averaged 68% of silica production. The resupply of silicic acid via storm entrainment and silica dissolution supported a cumulative post-bloom silica production that was 32% of that estimated during the main bloom event. Diatoms contributed significantly to new and to primary production after the initial bloom, possibly dominating both. Diatom contribution to organic-carbon export was also significant at 40%μ70%. Thus, diatoms can significantly contribute to regional biogeochemistry following initial silicic acid depletion, but that contribution relies on physical processes that resupply the nutrient to surface waters.

Assessment of oceanographic conditions during the North Atlantic EXport Processes in the Ocean from RemoTe Sensing (EXPORTS) field campaign

Johnson, L. and 17 others including C.M. Lee, "Assessment of oceanographic conditions during the North Atlantic EXport Processes in the Ocean from RemoTe Sensing (EXPORTS) field campaign," Prog. Oceanogr., 220, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2023.103170, 2024

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1 Jan 2024

This manuscript presents an overview of NASA's EXport Processes in the Ocean from Remote Sensing 2021 Field Campaign in the North Atlantic (EXPORTS NA) and provides quantitative and dynamical descriptions of the physical processes modulating water transformations during the study. A major programmatic goal was to conduct the sampling in a Lagrangian mode so that ocean ecological and biogeochemical changes can be observed independent from physical advective processes. To accomplish this goal, EXPORTS NA conducted a multi-ship, multi-asset field sampling program within a retentive, anticyclonic mode water eddy. Beneath depths of ~ 100 m, Lagrangian sampling assets remained within the eddy core waters (ECWs) throughout the experiment, demonstrating that the ECWs within the mode water eddy were retentive. However, strong westerly winds from four storm events deepened the mixed layer (ML) of the surface core waters (SCWs) above the eddy’s mode water core by 25–40 m and exchanged some of the SCWs with surface waters outside of the eddy via Ekman transport. Estimates of flushing times ranged from 5 to 8 days, with surface exchange fractions ranging from 20 to 75 % and were consistent with particle tracking advected by combined geostrophic and Ekman velocities. The relative contributions of horizontal and vertical advection on changes in ECW tracers depended on the horizontal and vertical gradients of that tracer. For example, horizontal advection played a large role in ECW salinity fluxes, while vertical entrainment played a larger role in the fluxes of nutrients into SCW ML. Each storm injected nutrients and low oxygen waters into the ML, after which the surface ocean ecosystem responded by reducing nutrient concentrations and increasing %O2 saturation levels. Overall, ECW values of chlorophyll and POC were the largest at the onset of the field program and decreased throughout the campaign. The analysis presented provides a physical oceanographic context for the many measurements made during the EXPORTS NA field campaign while illustrating the many challenges of conducting a production-flux experiment, even in a Lagrangian frame, and the inherent uncertainties of interpreting biological carbon pump observations that were collected in a Eulerian frame of reference.

A finite-time ensemble method for mixed layer model comparison

Johnson, L., B. Fox-Kemper, Q. Li, H.T. Pham, and S. Sarkar, "A finite-time ensemble method for mixed layer model comparison," J. Phys. Oceanogr., 53, 2211-2230, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-22-0107.1, 2023.

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1 Sep 2023

This work evaluates the fidelity of various upper-ocean turbulence parameterizations subject to realistic monsoon forcing and presents a finite-time ensemble vector (EV) method to better manage the design and numerical principles of these parameterizations. The EV method emphasizes the dynamics of a turbulence closure multimodel ensemble and is applied to evaluate 10 different ocean surface boundary layer (OSBL) parameterizations within a single-column (SC) model against two boundary layer large-eddy simulations (LES). Both LES include realistic surface forcing, but one includes wind-driven shear turbulence only, while the other includes additional Stokes forcing through the wave-average equations that generate Langmuir turbulence. The finite-time EV framework focuses on what constitutes the local behavior of the mixed layer dynamical system and isolates the forcing and ocean state conditions where turbulence parameterizations most disagree. Identifying disagreement provides the potential to evaluate SC models comparatively against the LES. Observations collected during the 2018 monsoon onset in the Bay of Bengal provide a case study to evaluate models under realistic and variable forcing conditions. The case study results highlight two regimes where models disagree 1) during wind-driven deepening of the mixed layer and 2) under strong diurnal forcing.

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