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Leah Johnson

Senior Oceanographer





Department Affiliation

Ocean Physics


2000-present and while at APL-UW

Spatiotemporal topic modeling reveals storm-driven advection and stirring control plankton community variability in an open ocean eddy

San Soucie, J.E., Y. Girdhar, L. Johnson, E.E. Peacock, A. Shalapyonok, and H.M. Sosik, "Spatiotemporal topic modeling reveals storm-driven advection and stirring control plankton community variability in an open ocean eddy," J. Geophys. Res., 129, doi:10.1029/2024JC020907, 2024.

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7 Nov 2024

Phytoplankton communities in the open ocean are high-dimensional, sparse, and spatiotemporally heterogeneous. The advent of automated imaging systems has enabled high-resolution observation of these communities, but the amounts of data and their statistical properties make analysis with traditional approaches challenging. Spatiotemporal topic models offer an unsupervised and interpretable approach to dimensionality reduction of sparse, high-dimensional categorical data. Here we use topic modeling to analyze neural-network-classified phytoplankton imagery taken in and around a retentive eddy during the 2021 North Atlantic EXport Processes in the Ocean from Remote Sensing (EXPORTS) field campaign. We investigate the role physical-biological interactions play in altering plankton community composition within the eddy. Analysis of a water mass mixing framework suggests that storm-driven surface advection and stirring were major drivers of the progression of the eddy plankton community away from a diatom bloom over the course of the cruise.

Modification of boundary layer turbulence by submesoscale flows

Johnson, L., and B. Fox-Kemper, "Modification of boundary layer turbulence by submesoscale flows," Flow, 4, doi:10.1017/flo.2024.17, 2024.

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17 Oct 2024

The stirring and mixing of heat and momentum in the ocean surface boundary layer (OSBL) are dominated by 1 to 10 km fluid flows — too small to be resolved in global and regional ocean models. Instead, these processes are parametrized. Two main parametrizations include vertical mixing by surface-forced metre-scale turbulence and overturning by kilometre-scale submesoscale frontal flows and instabilities. In present models, these distinct parametrizations are implemented in tandem, yet ignore meaningful interactions between these two scales that may influence net turbulent fluxes. Using a large-eddy simulation of frontal spin down resolving processes at both scales, this work diagnoses submesoscale and surface-forced turbulence impacts that are the foundation of OSBL parametrizations, following a traditional understanding of these flows. It is shown that frontal circulations act to suppress the vertical buoyancy flux by surface forced turbulence, and that this suppression is not represented by traditional boundary layer turbulence theory. A main result of this work is that current OSBL parametrizations excessively mix buoyancy and overestimate turbulence dissipation rates in the presence of lateral flows. These interactions have a direct influence on the upper ocean potential vorticity and energy budgets with implications for global upper ocean budgets and circulation.

Physical mechanisms sustaining silica production following the demise of the diatom phase of the North Atlantic spring phytoplankton bloom during EXPORTS

Brzezinski, M.A., and 8 others including L. Johnson, "Physical mechanisms sustaining silica production following the demise of the diatom phase of the North Atlantic spring phytoplankton bloom during EXPORTS," Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 38, doi:, 2024.

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16 Jul 2024

Each spring, the North Atlantic experiences one of the largest open-ocean phytoplankton blooms in the global ocean. Diatoms often dominate the initial phase of the bloom with succession driven by exhaustion of silicic acid. The North Atlantic was sampled over 3.5 weeks in spring 2021 following the demise of the main diatom bloom, allowing mechanisms that sustain continued diatom contributions to be examined. Diatom biomass was initially relatively high with biogenic silica concentrations up to 2.25 μmol Si L-1. A low initial silicic acid concentration of 0.1–0.3 μM imposed severe Si limitation of silica production and likely limited the diatom growth rate. Four storms over the next 3.5 weeks entrained silicic acid into the mixed layer, relieving growth limitation, but uptake limitation persisted. Silica production was modest and dominated by the >5.0 μm size fraction although specific rates were highest in the 0.6–5.0 μm size fraction over most of the cruise. Silica dissolution averaged 68% of silica production. The resupply of silicic acid via storm entrainment and silica dissolution supported a cumulative post-bloom silica production that was 32% of that estimated during the main bloom event. Diatoms contributed significantly to new and to primary production after the initial bloom, possibly dominating both. Diatom contribution to organic-carbon export was also significant at 40%μ70%. Thus, diatoms can significantly contribute to regional biogeochemistry following initial silicic acid depletion, but that contribution relies on physical processes that resupply the nutrient to surface waters.

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Acoustics Air-Sea Interaction & Remote Sensing Center for Environmental & Information Systems Center for Industrial & Medical Ultrasound Electronic & Photonic Systems Ocean Engineering Ocean Physics Polar Science Center

