SOMaR-3 1416 July 2015, Seattle
Third Workshop on Sensing the Ocean with Marine Radars
In 2011, the first workshop on Sensing the Ocean with Marine Radar (SOMaR-1) concentrated on the scientific aspects of marine radar ocean applications and provided a forum for researchers to present and discuss their results, swap data and algorithms, and identify priorities for future research. SOMaR-2, and now the third international workshop, continue this series of interactive meetings for researchers in the field.
It is planned to have a series of presentations on different ideas and approaches with regards to sensing the ocean with marine radar and to provide lengthy periods for discussion of various approaches and their issues. So if you want to give a presentation on your marine radar approach, please leave out the introduction and background material and go straight to the description of your approach, what you see as the issues, and the data that you have been using. Presentations will be very informal, with multiple questions/discussion during the talk, so feel free to show unpolished, data-only viewgraphs.
The foremost goal of the workshop is to allow participants to understand the state-of-the-art in marine radar development, and to see if the community can reach a consensus regarding possible approaches, issues, and validation.
Session Topics
Registration + Abstract Submission
Previous SOMaR Workshops
- Waves
- Wind
- Currents
- Bathymetry
- Radar Scattering
- Future Experiments
If you wish to attend and participate in the workshop, please email Foster or Horstmann. To be included on the program, email an abstract to Foster or Horstmann by 26 June 2015.
Ralph Foster
Principal Pysicist, APL-UW |
Jochen Horstmann
Helmholtz Center, Geesthacht |
24 May 2011, Lerici, Italy |
47 June 2013, Lerici, Italy |
Workshop Participants
Don Atwood
Michigan Tech Research Institute
Paul Bell
National Oceanography Centre
Jon Carter
Atlas Elektronik UK, Ltd.
Patricio Catalán
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
Tony de Paolo
University of California, San Diego
Guillermo Diaz
CICESE, Ensenada, Mexico
Pete Dovey
Atlas Elektronik UK, Ltd.
Gordon Farquharson
Erin Hackett
Coastal Carolina University
Merrick Haller
Oregon State University
Katrin Hessner
David Honegger
Oregon State University
Jochen Horstmann
Helmholtz Center, Geesthacht
Weimin Huang
Memorial University, St. John's, NL
Andrew Kammerer
Coastal Carolina University
John Kusters
Applied Physical Sciences, San Diego
Bjorn Lund
RSMAS, University of Miami
David Lyzenga
University of Michigan
David McCann
National Oceanography Centre
Christa McKelvey
Ohio State University
Desmond Smith
Rutter Inc., St. Johns, NL
Ralph Smith
Arete Associates
Michael Stresser
Helmholtz Center, Geesthacht
Dennis Trizna
Imaging Science Research, VA
Chris Wackerman
MDA Information Systems
SOMar-3 Agenda (PDF, 153 KB)
14–16 July 2015 SOMaR-3 Workshop Schedule, Applied Physics Laboratory-UW, Seattle, WA |
Stepped-frequency ice radar (Powerpoint, 5 MB)
Don Atwood |
Scattering from surf zone waves (PDF, 6 MB)
Patricio Catalan, Merrick Haller, and Bill Plant |
Assessment of cross-shore wave transformation based on radar observations (Powerpoint, 50 MB)
Guillermo M. Diaz Mendez and Merrick C. Haller |
Wave sensing radar and wave reconstruction (PDF, 2 MB)
Gordon Farquharson, John Mower, Bill Plant, Jason Rudzinsky, John Kusters, Kevin Cockrell, Brad Frazer, and Ben Connell |
Spatiotemporal modulation and analysis of high-resolution backscatter and Doppler X-band radar measurements of ocean surface waves in low sea states (PDF, 23 MB)
Erin E. Hackett, Andrew J. Kammerer, Craig F. Merrill, Anne M. Fullerton, and Thomas C. Fu |
On the imaging of rip currents at X-band (PDF, 4 MB)
Rebecca Kloster, Merrick Haller, and David Lyzenga |
On the quality of radar sea state, current and bathymetry measurements (Powerpoint, 40 MB)
Katrin Hessner |
Intrusion fronts and internal jumps at the MCR, observed via shore-based marine radar (Powerpoint, 81 MB)
David Honegger and Merrick Haller |
Phase-based depth estimates at open beaches and tidal inlets (Powerpoint, 13 MB)
David Honegger, Merrick Haller, and Rob Holman |
Further validation of the polar-current-shell current algorithm for X-band marine radar (Powerpoint, 2 MB)
Weimin Huang, Ruben Carrasco, Chengxi Shen, Eric W. Gill, and Jochen Horstmann |
Vertical current shear retrieval from shipboard marine X-band radar (PDF, 36 MB)
Bjorn Lund, Hans C. Graber, Clarence O. Collins III, hitoshi Tamura, and Sergey Varlamov |
Real-time estimation of ocean wave fields from marine radar data (Powerpoint, 455 KB)
David R. Lyzegna, Okey G. Nwogu, Robert F. Beck, Andrew O'Brien, Joel Johnson, Tony de Paolo, and Eric Terrill |
A simple model for marine radar images of the ocean surface (Powerpoint, 115 KB)
David R. Lyzegna and David T. Walker |
The RCS of seabirds: Shedding (microwave) light on an old detection problem (Powerpoint, 29 MB)
David McCann |
Ship-based observations of ocean waves using multiple X-band radars (Powerpoint, 8 MB)
Christa McKelvey, Shanka Wijesundara, Andrew O'Brien, Graeme Smith, Joel T. Johnson, and David R. Lyzenga |
Wave height estimates from coherent marine radar (Powerpoint, 10 MB)
Javier Perez |
How do breaking waves show up in low-grazing angle backscatter and ocean wave spectra? (Powerpoint, 2 MB)
William J. Plant |
Dynamics of near shore wave breaking observed by coherent marine radar (PDF, 9 MB)
Michael Stresser, Jorg Seemann, Ruben Carrasco, and Li Chung Wu |
Coastal fronts and water temperature variation observed at the research pier HORS (Powerpoint, 28 MB)
Satoshi Takewaka |
Phase resolved X-band wave inversions in multi-modal seas (Powerpoint, 4 MB)
Eric Terrill, Tony de Paolo, Tom Cook, Sean Celona, and Heidi Batchelor |
Coherent marine radar measurements of ocean wave spectra with vertically polarized antennas (PDF, 4 MB)
Dennis Trizna |
Yet another pixel-by-pixel depth inversion algorithm (PDF, 150 KB)
Ron Abileah |
Spatiotemporal modulation and analysis of high-resolution backscatter and Doppler X-band radar measurements of ocean surface waves in low sea states (PDF, 47 KB)
Erin E. Hackett, Andrew J. Kammerer, Craig F. Merrill, Anne M. Fullerton, and Thomas C. Fu |
Intrusion fronts and internal jumps at the Columbia River mouth, observed via shore-based marine radar (PDF, 66 KB)
David Honegger and Merrick Haller |
Phase-based depth estimates at open beaches and tidal inlets (PDF, 85 KB)
David Honegger, Merrick Haller, and Robert Holman |
Further validation of the polar-current-shell current algorithm for X-band marine radar (PDF, 187 KB)
Weimin Huang, Ruben Carrasco, Chengxi Shen, Eric W. Gill, and Jochen Horstmann |
On the imaging of rip currents in marine radars (PDF, 78 KB)
Rebecca Kloster, Merrick Haller, and David Lyzenga |
Vertical current shear retrieval from shipboard marine X-band radar (PDF, 31 KB)
Bjorn Lund, Hans C. Graber, Hitoshi Tamura, Clarence O. Collins III, and Sergey M. Varlamov |
Ship based observations of ocean waves using multiple X-band radars (PDF, 172 KB)
Christa McKelvey, Shanka Wijesundara, Andrew O'Brien, Graeme Smith, Joel T. Johnson, and David R. Lyzenga |
How do breaking waves show up in low-grazing angle backscatter and ocean wave spectra? (PDF, 46 KB)
William J. Plant |
Directions from Sea-Tac Airport
All workshop sessions will be held at the Applied Physics Laboratory's Hardisty Conference Center in Henderson Hall on the University of Washington campus in Seattle.
Henderson Hall street address:
Applied Physics Laboratory
University of Washington
1013 NE 40th Street
Seattle, WA 98105
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (Sea-Tac) is the nearest airport to APL-UW
- From the airport, drive north on I-5
- At the NE 45th St. exit, turn right (east)
- Follow NE 45th St. to Brooklyn Ave. NE, turn right (south)
- Follow Brooklyn Ave. NE to NE 40th St., turn right (west) onto Lincoln Way (at this intersection on the west side of the street, is a small sign labeled 'University of Washington West Campus')
- At the first street, turn left (south) and drive one short block
- Turn right (west)
- At the first driveway turn right into the APL-UW parking lot
Parking at APL-UW Henderson Hall
Driving Map to APL-UW Henderson Hall
Paid parking spaces on the east side of the lot in front of Henderson Hall (W10) are available for APL-UW visitors. The automated pay station is located in the NE corner of the lot. Parking is $3/hr (credit cards and coins only) with no limit on the number hours you may park.
M F: 6:00 am 9:00 pm
Sat: 7:00 am noon
Visitors may also purchase parking from the UW gatehouse located at 15th Ave. and Stevens Way. The parking specialist will assign you to the lot closest to your destination. Please ask about disability parking and building access information if needed.
The daily permit is available for purchase from 6:00 am to 5:00 pm for $15.00. Refunds are granted as follows:
0 30 min. = $13.00
30 min 1 hr. = $12.00
1 2 hr. = $9.00
2 3 hr. = $6.00
3 4 hr. = $3.00
4+ hr. = $0.00
Driving directions to Henderson Hall
Hotels Nearest APL-UW
Hotel Deca
4507 Brooklyn Ave. NE
Seattle, WA 98105
4242 Roosevelt Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105
University Inn
4140 Roosevelt Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105